Vegan Sanctuary Pledge

The Vegan Sanctuary Pledge is a pledge vegan farm sanctuaries can voluntarily take, and aims to highlight vegan sanctuaries that support and follow the points below which ascribe more to ethical veganism, non-human animal rights and protection.

The pledge is an amalgamation of information P.E.A.C.E. has obtained through interactions and feedback from sanctuaries and the public, The Open Sanctuary Project (TOSP), Microsanctuary Resource Center (MRC), Association of Farm Sanctuaries Ontario (AFSO), and others.

What farm sanctuaries who take the pledge agree to:


That the farm sanctuary’s founder(s) and/or operator(s) identify as vegan. Learn More | Definition Of Veganism

Out of respect for the non-human animals in their care, no consumption of animal products by humans is allowed on the farm sanctuary’s property.

That the farm sanctuary has a vegan food policy in place for fundraising and events, especially with third parties and other groups.

That non-human animals and their by-products (e.g. eggs, cow’s milk, honey, wool, etc.) are not sold or given away by the farm sanctuary. Learn More | TOSP – Indirect Harm & Animal Sanctuaries Should Be A Place Of Non-Exploitation

That products that are tested on animals or contain non-human animal by-products (e.g. beeswax, lanolin, etc.) are not sold by the farm sanctuary.

That the farm sanctuary rejects the word “humane” when associated with the animal agricultural system and industry. Learn More | MRC – Rejection Of “Humane” Animal Husbandry | TOSP – Countering “Humanewashing”


Priority is given to the emotional and physical well-being of the non-human animals in their care for the entirety of their lives. They are not used for amusement, labour or monetary gain.

When interacting with the public, education is key, and it is made known to respect all non-human animals’ boundaries. All non-human animals who do not like public interaction are kept separate and/or given space to leave. Non-human animals are not made to interact with the public against their will. Learn More | TOSP – Animal Sanctuaries Should Have Responsible Visitor Policies & The Differences Between An Animal Sanctuary And A Petting Zoo

That the farm sanctuary does not participate in or promote horseback riding. Learn More | Is Horseback Riding Cruel? Is It Vegan | TOSP – Animal Sanctuaries Should Be A Place Of Non-Exploitation

That the farm sanctuary does not participate in or promote backyard hen operations for the purpose of egg consumption. Learn More | Why Don’t Vegans Eat Backyard Eggs |TOSP – Animal Sanctuaries Should Be A Place Of Non-Exploitation

That the farm sanctuary does not breed non-human animals, and precautions are taken to avoid any inadvertent breeding. Learn More | TOSP -Sanctuaries Should Not Breed More Animals | MRC – Absolutely No Breeding Of Residents

That the farm sanctuary does not purchase non-human animals from for-profit sources. Learn More | MRC – Animals Will Not Be Purchased From For-Profit Sources | Farm Sanctuary – Here’s Why You Shouldn’t “Rescue” Animals by Buying Them | TOSP – Paying For Rescues | RASTA Sanctuary – Why Buying Animals Is Not Rescue


A compassionate world for all sentient beings is part of P.E.A.C.E.’s vision. We follow the core belief that veganism is compassion and offer this as an optional addition on the pledge, which will read “Vegan Sanctuary & Compassion For All Pledge” on the certificate given.

That the farm sanctuary strives to be a space of collective liberation, where beings of all species (including humans) can be safe from violence, oppression, and exploitation: That they support humans from all communities to become participants of this movement for non-humans and encourage others to also learn about and actively support human social justice movements. | MRC Core Principles

This is a voluntary pledge, and the sanctuary is emailed a certificate and logo after completion. Pledges are valid for two (2) years and require bi-annual renewal.


On our Canadian Farm Sanctuaries Map, we previously under the Vegan Operated classification noted: “Vegan operated means the founder(s) or operator(s) identifies as vegan. It does not mean the sanctuary does not support or engage in horseback riding or selling of eggs etc. Please note more information and clarification for transparency purposes will be looked at in the future. This is mainly to point out vegan operated vs. not”. This pledge is that clarification.

If a vegan sanctuary has not taken the pledge, it does not mean they don’t ascribe to one or more of the points on the pledge. We encourage the public, if any of the points in this vegan sanctuary pledge is important to them, to contact the sanctuary they want to support directly for confirmation and clarification.

The pledge does not guarantee that participating sanctuaries are necessarily following best practices with regards to animal care and operations. For this, P.E.A.C.E. actively encourages farm sanctuaries to voluntarily take the GFAS Accreditation.

DISCLAIMER | P.E.A.C.E. has provided this pledge as a service to the public and farm sanctuaries. We do not necessarily work directly with all of the sanctuaries who have taken the pledge and their inclusion in this voluntary pledge does not constitute an endorsement. Some of the information in this website has been provided by external sources. P.E.A.C.E. is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information provided by external sources. Users should please consult directly with the external source of the information.