A farm sanctuary, because it doesn’t send its farmed animals to slaughter like hobby farms to “produce a product,” does not qualify by itself for farm tax benefits. There are other options though! Below are links to see options for your sanctuary, and the tax benefits if you qualify.
If you are looking to start a business to attach to your sanctuary, there are grants that could possibly help.

NOTE: If you buy a property within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), which is a provincial zone in which agriculture is recognized as the priority use, farming is encouraged and non-agricultural uses are restricted.
ALC | Permitted Uses in the ALR
OFA | Piecing Together the Farmland Tax Puzzle
Agricorp | Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program Eligibility
Considering Buying Land To Start A Sanctuary?
Other than checking the bylaws and making sure the land you buy is zoned to allow farmed animals, make sure to watch the below video as well as look through our resources with regards to starting a farm sanctuary.
DISCLAIMER | P.E.A.C.E. has provided this list as a service to Canadian farm sanctuaries. We do not necessarily work directly with all of the organizations listed here and their inclusion in this list does not constitute an endorsement. Some of the information in this website has been provided by external sources. P.E.A.C.E. is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information provided by external sources. Users should please consult directly with the external source of the information.